La economía política de las reformas estructurales: lecciones de la experiencia colombiana 1989-1995
The political economy of structural reforms in Colombia
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Informe finalAbstract
The purpose of this project is to analyze Colombia's reform experience from a political economy perspective. Particularly, it pretends to shed light on what pushed Colombia to star this project, on how the different actors political parties, the private sector, the labor movement, the military and, more generally, civil society reacted, on how key players were compensated and how the political and economic reforms interacted with each other.
The purpose of this project is to analyze Colombia's reform experience from a political economy perspective. Particularly, it pretends to shed light on what pushed Colombia to star this project, on how the different actors political parties, the private sector, the labor movement, the military and, more generally, civil society reacted, on how key players were compensated and how the political and economic reforms interacted with each other.
Palabras clave
Política Fiscal
Política Económica
Economía Política
Reformas Estructurales
Reforma Económica
Reformas Institucionales
Apertura Económica
Economic Policy
Economic Reform
Political Economy
Structural Reforms