Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Productividad y competitividad del Sistema de Ciudades
"Las ciudades en el mundo son las grandes fábricas de la innovación y del dinamismo económico por las posibilidades que brindan las economías de aglomeración. Colombia no es la excepción: el 85% del Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) nacional se genera en los centros urbanos, y su ingreso per cápita duplica el de los municipios que no hacen parte del Sistema de Ciudades. Sin embargo, las ciudades colombianas enfrentan grandes ...
Implementing a subnational results-oriented management and budgeting system
"After a century of political centralization in Colombia, the first public election of city mayors in 1986 began a decentralization trend, which was later reinforced by a constitutional reform in 1991. Subnational governments (departments and municipalities) were made responsible for the planning and management of social and economic development in their jurisdictions. Administrative and political reforms were accompanied ...
La descentralización en Colombia
"In the 1990 s descentralization in Colombia, a process which had begun a decade earlier, was sharply accelerated. The percentage of current Central Government revenues that are automatically transferred to the regional ...