Now showing items 1-6 of 6
El pilar no contributivo y su rol en el sistema de protección a la vejez: Colombia mayor social
La transición demográfica y el acelerado proceso de envejecimiento de la población en los países latinoamericanos implicará un crecimiento continuo del número de adultos mayores en situación de vulnerabilidad. El sistema pensional contributivo afronta una barrera estructural para ofrecer acceso a los trabajadores más allá del sector formal, lo cual es particularmente grave en países como Colombia, con una alta participación ...
Political institutions and policy outcomes in Colombia: the effects of the 1991 Constitution
"The 1991 Colombian constitution strengthened the checks and balances of the political system by enhancing the role of Congress and the Constitutional Court, while somewhat limiting the powers of the president (who nonetheless remains extremely powerful even for Latin American standards). As a consequence of the larger number of relevant players, and the removal of barriers that restricted political participation, the ...
Institutional reforms in Colombia
"This document is organized around "political" and "economic" institutions. We begin with the former, with a discussion of the role of the judicial system and of the separation of power followed by the electoral law and structure of parliament, and a discussion of crime prevention and criminal justice system. We then move to economic institutions, we focus on those that have to do with the bureaucracy and provision of ...
Public spending on social protection in Colombia: analysis and proposals
"This paper studies the main social programs of the Colombian public sector. Traditionally, health and education expenditure have played the lion s share both in the theoretical discussions and in the allocation of social spending in Colombia. I argue that other programs, with more indirect impact on the creation of human capital, should have full citizenship in a country at the level of development of Colombia. Even ...
The Colombian budget process
The rules that govern the budget process are important determinants of fiscal outcomes, with potentially important macroeconomic implications. This paper starts with a review of the theoretical underpinnings of the effects of budget processes and the main empirical evidence. After a brief institutional description of the Colombian budget process, an assessment and proposals for reform are made. The main issues analyzed ...
Education reform in Colombia
"Public education is one of the largest components of the public sector in Colombia, in term of its size, share of public expenditures, and geographic coverage. In 1997, Colombia had 85 thousand educational establishments, 390 thousand teachers, and 8.6 million students. In addition, public school teachers and educational staff comprise the highest percentage of public sector employment. During the last half of the ...